We all enjoyed Andrew's ten day leave very much. Now he is off at combat training, where the last I heard from him was that he was enjoying grenade throwing. But while he was around here, we had a number of opportunities to get together for meals and activities, including a great camping trip to Point Mugu State Park near Malibu (sorry you couldn't make it, Mark and Shelley), a delicious dessert at the Jazz Kitchen in Downtown Disney (Mmmm, double chocolate bread pudding...) and a grand night of lomo saltado and games at Mark and Shelley's. Here are a few pictures from our time together.
This amazing tree was by our campsite at Point Mugu.

Everyone enjoyed sitting in its branches (even Alethia)

Alethia had a bit of a meltdown after a couple days of constant stimulation without enough rest or food, but when we figured out what was going on, we got her into the car for some time to quiet down and rest. Other than that, she had a fabulous second camping trip.

The weather was awesome! It was warm most of the time, and we even got a little rain! In So-Cal! Imagine that!

Alethia is fascinated by cups. She sees us drinking from them and longs to try it herself. It is hilarious to watch her tremble with excitement when she actually gets her hands on one.

Um, Andrew... that's the cream for your coffee.

Alethia with uncle Mark

What can I say? My wife and daughter are amazing.

And to close with, here is uncle Andrew with his niece. What a happy family.

Thank you for the time you spent with us Andrew. We thoroughly enjoyed it.