Shannon decided to run a marathon this summer with her roomate Sarah, so together they started training. Part way through their training, Sarah decided she didn't want to run the race, so they both quit training. About a month later, Shannon still ran the race, which took place in Big Bear at around 7000 ft. The most Shannon had ever run was 10 miles during her training at sea level. She did finish the race, and we are all very proud of her for doing it. Way to go Shannon!

We called Andrew to give Shannon a little USMC pep talk at the halfway point.

Alethia tries to lend a hand.

Shortly after this point I joined Shannon for the last 6 miles of the race to help encourage her along, and I left my camera with Torrey who didn't take any pictures.
This is not related to Shannon's race, but later in the summer we went to the LA county fair, and Alethia loved the petting zoo portion of it, so here are some pictures from that event.
Mmmm, hay.