With cousin Abigail

Alethia the Ballerina

I made this little tree for Alethia out of clippings from our big tree. She loved having her own tree.

Counting down the days to Christmas. This chain didn't last long before she tore every link apart at one time.

I heard the water running in the bathroom one morning. When I went to check on it, I found that Alethia had stripped and climbed into the sink.

Mmmm... Ice cream!

It rained quite a bit here, and Alethia had a great time playing in the flood water. That's my girl.

Helping make cookies.

Sorting clothes for "baby brother"

The wonder of Christmas morning.

Learning to rock climb. I'm planning climbing trips in my mind already.

The tide pools at Sea World. I know, I really need to get her out into a real tide pool.

Sea World day 2. She looks nervous, but really she loved the dolphins. She was trying hard to look at the camera like I asked her to while wanting desperately to see the dolphin in the tank behind us.

This needs a little work still, but it is still pretty cool. It is accomplished by shooting through a hole the shape you want the lights to be. I haven't gotten the hole size quite right, and it is really hard to get the foreground subject to stay still long enough for my experiments.

And finally, New Year's Eve 2010 - the final shot of the series. Alethia is practicing on her doll, hoping she gets a shot at bathing her baby brother, who is coming any day now.