Sunday, October 21, 2007

Back to JT Again


This past week I had a few days off school, so I took advantage of the chance to escape the city again for a spell. This time the trip was for a day of rock climbing with Josh, a friend from Talbot. Because I put off my homework to spend an entire day running around the desert, I am doing it now, which means I don't have much time to write about the events of the day. Suffice to say it was great to get out and do something active, and it was equally grand to spend the day with a friend I haven't seen much in the past year. Thanks, Josh! I had a great time. Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy, and a few more can be seen here.

Climbing Barefoot




Serious Climbing


1 comment:

Randy E. said...

VERY nice. Your pictures leave all of my east-coast backpacking gunk something to be desired. A lack of trees, perhaps...

Anyhow, nice blog! I just signed up with Facebook tonight- I could spend a day just looking up the old school. Anyhow, good to hear from you!