Brett and Stephanie came over for dinner and Alethia had a great time with their kids. Savannah loves posing for pictures, and Alethia wanted to be like her big cousin.

This Pooh outfit was among some clothes that were passed down from Savannah to Alethia. She loves it.

Bottle time.

Alethia loves reading books.

Making new friends.

What could be more fun than splashing in puddles?

Out for a walk in the park with Torrey's parents who were in town for a few days.

She is already trying to climb trees! Those shoes have got to come off next time.

We had a brief experiment with potty training. Alethia was thrilled about sitting on the toilet, but not particularly committed to the purpose for being there.

Aunt Shannon has been teaching her how to make faces.

Bed time!

Bed time again. This can become a bit of a trend, as I often forget to pull my camera out until she is going down for the night.

I think here she is excited about finding a rock in the parking lot. Ah, simple pleasures.

Smelling flowers.

Patty cake, patty cake...


The ducks in the pool have captured her attention.

Heading upstairs to see Maka and Shasha (uncle Mark and aunt Shelley).

What could be tastier than a big helping of butter?

A trip to the beach. The sand was great, but the ocean was... a bit intimidating. We heard her say "no waves" a lot for several days.

Out for a walk in the hills.

Our little artist at work.


Out and about in the apartment complex.

Apparently it is more fun to push stuffed animals on the tricycle than it is to ride it.


Licking the beater (just for you, Mom - there is no raw egg in this).

Alethia loves helping to cook. So when we were at a loss for something to keep her occupied with, I had her help me make some cookies.

Reading again (at bedtime).

Practicing faces in the mirror.

And finally, terrorizing the ducks at our apartment complex.