Friday, February 15, 2008

What A Way To Start A Semester!


Last Friday I got to go up Baldy with Alan Hultberg and his friend George. Alan has quite a reputation for leading very difficult hikes, and this was definitely not easy by any stretch of the imagination. It isn't so much the speed at which he hikes, but the consistency of his stride. He sets a good pace at the beginning of the day, and never slows down until he gets back to the car. Well, I'm always up for a good challenge, so when he asked if I would be interested in joining him on this hike, I quickly rearranged my schedule at work to make sure I could take the day off to go along. I always love getting up into the mountains, and better yet, this would be my first opportunity to use crampons and climb a mountain in the snow. I wasn't disappointed. The hike was strenuous; in fact, I didn't quite make it to the top of the mountain before we turned around. But the weather was perfect, and the mountains were absolutely gorgeous. I think my companions probably got tired of hearing me express repeatedly how beautiful it was up there. It was truly an incredible day. If you are interested in seeing even more pictures from the hike, you can find them here.

Alan and George shortly after we hit the trail






The summit is in view



And for a parting shot, here is another 3D one. I will repeat my viewing instructions for anyone who is new at this. First of all, you should view the full sized picture. Next, the idea is to look at the picture in such a way that your left eye sees the image on the right and your right eye sees the image on the left. That sounds complicated but it really isn't. I find it works best to find an anchor in the picture; something that you can recognize even when it is out of focus. In this picture, the tree on the right works pretty well. Then start to cross your eyes, and you will see the two parts moving together. You want to form a third image in the center that is an overlay of the two parts, so watch that anchor and use it to bring the two together. Then comes the most difficult part. Normally when you cross your eyes, you are focusing on something close to your face, but for this exercise, you need to focus on the computer screen. It can be done, but it may take some practice. When you get it, it will be well worth it. Enjoy!
IMG_8961 3D

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